Research Datasets

Principle: all research data in any publication will be made freely available to the scientific community, to ensure reproducibility, transparency, and interpretability. In addition, information (and open-source software, where applicable) necessary to reproduce the analyses will also be made freely available to the scientific community, for the same reasons. To find the research data relevant to a publication, please first check the publication--the location should be indicated. For some of the publications up through 2014, the indicated location for the data was my homepage at the University of Texas at Austin. After I left UT-Austin, I moved those data to UCSD, as described below.

Datasets for papers under review The following papers (if any) are under review, and datasets studied in these papers, if not yet published, are available upon request. These will be uploaded into the Illinois Data Bank upon acceptance. (Contact me via the editor or conference PC chair for the data if you wish to receive it.)