Homework for CS 581, Fall 2018

Homework policies

Due date: All homework is due at 10 PM on the due date, via Moodle (unless otherwise specified). Late homeworks (up to 48 hours late) can be accepted for reduced credit (see course webpage for details), except when otherwise specified.

Collaboration policy: You are expected to write up the homework yourself, but you are welcome to discuss the homework with other students in the class. If you discuss the homework with other students, clearly specify this on your homework. However, you can collaborate on HW 9, as long as you are both fully responsible for the work.

Reading assignments: Some homeworks involve homework problems from the textbook, and many homework assignments involve reading the textbook or published papers. The class discussion depends on you doing the reading, as I will not be teaching all the material.

Review questions: The textbook has two types of questions: review questions and homework problems. In general, I will be assigning problems from the homework problems and not from the review questions (although do note that this is not true for some homework assignments). We may discuss the review questions in class, so please look over the review questions as well.

Disputing a grade: Please come see me directly if you have questions or concerns about how your homework was graded.

Grading policy: The homework overall contributes 40% of the course grade, and each homework (except the last) contributes the same amount. The worst grade from the first 8 assignments is dropped. The first 8 in total contribute 28 points to your grade and the last assignment is worth 12 points.

Substitute homeworks: You may propose to write a paper review or to do a dataset analysis instead of the assigned homework for a given week (except the last assignment). If you wish to do this, meet with me to select the appropriate paper or dataset analysis.
